Manic Monday: If you could wipe away the shit, I could take your blood pressure.

For the baby’s 6 month checkup I dressed him up real nice, new t-shirt and funky jeans.  Obviously ones baby needs to look as cool as possible to see a Doctor.   Dr. good looking?  No.   Any other rational reason for the dress up?  No.  At this point getting out of the house constitutes a rational reason to play dress up.

There we are and there are eight million other sick people in the waiting room.  I think maybe we should duck out to the corner store and get mommy a diet pepsi.  THE biggest treat in mom’s life since nursing.  As I am paying the cashier, a waft of smelly shit smell hits my nose.  I look down and there is literally shit leaking out my son.  It has managed to escape the following layers:  diaper, onsie, funky jeans and new Tommy t-shirt.  It is resting on my arm (the one paying the cashier) and is in danger of actually leaving shit droplets on the store floor.

I calmly pay the man and exit the store thinking “OhF&^K!”  No problem, that is what the emergency shit bag is packed for.  Me, baby and the flat bed of the SUV had a little meeting.  Emergency shit bag is going to be a problem.  Wipes have dried out and emergency sleeper is too small.  There is so much shit it is stuck everywhere…I had to scrape off what I could with dry wipes (leaving a sticky, smelly orange residue) and race back into to the Dr.’s office to use the restroom.  One countertop, a sink full of suds and 20 minutes later – we emerge still smelling like shit.

Moral of the story?  There is none.

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